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Writer's pictureSamantha Storey

Welcome to the Studio!

If you've made it to this blog post, I welcome and greet you!

I've debated starting an art blog over the almost 25 years of being an artist.

First when I was in high school-but didn't feel 'old enough' to have anything worthwhile to share at that point. Then through my years at university the thought lingered in my mind whenever I had the chance to think about anything outside of the classroom, but in my youth decided I had more important things to do at the time-like working a part time job to pay the bills or going out for drinks and concerts with my friends-haha.

When university was done, I found myself embarking on a tattoo career, one that started with a gruelling apprenticeship that turned into a busy, exciting, and fruitful career.

I spent 11 years tattooing, working at more than 6 tattoo shops and working with dozens of amazing, colourful and talented souls. I travelled to multiple countries to attend tattoo conventions, winning tattoo competitions and getting published in magazines and-most importantly-did more than 5,000 tattoos on more than 1,500 different people over the years-and yes, I did keep track and spent the time counting them!

Throughout those years, I continued painting and attending the occasional art show. During that time period I was mostly focused on tattooing and learning how to be an adult, but all the while my heart just wanted to paint, and the painting blog still remained a project close to my heart.

Then my kids entered the picture and my entire world flipped upside down.

After marrying the love of my life, and my two kids were born, the second half of my life began.

Tattooing and painting became part time for the first time when my babies were born, then needy and small, and then toddlers running around the house.

The art was slowly pushed out while I focused on my kids and family.

Now that my kids are old enough to get changed in the morning without me asking, brush their own teeth, write and read simple sentences, and use the bathroom all by themselves, I find myself with time to pick up the brushes and dive into the painting career I've been planning and preparing for since my early teen years.

So again, welcome to my painting blog-take a seat and have a cup of coffee every once in awhile with me, please.

Here I'll share projects, up-and-coming works, artists I admire and find inspiration from, photos from around the studio, art show news and class news and updates, the occasional family or travel related news and update, and anything else art related I hope entertains you, inspires you, or enriches your life in some small way.

I hope you have a beautiful day.

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