I'd like to write a quick blog entry that's more like a personal journal and brief reflection on life as of late rather than my usual informative style.
This summer, I made the decision to return to work as a tattoo artist, pick up my machine and inks once again, in the new city I now call home with a whole new group of people.
Since the decision was made, countless hours were spent preparing to tattoo again and start this new chapter at a new shop. I invested in a new tattoo machine, resupplied my inks and needles, rebranded the website, made new business cards, then found a studio to call home with some beautiful and talented artists in the city. It's been such a joy to have co-creators to bounce ideas with again and to encourage and inspire each other-something I've been missing since I made the transition to being a stay-at-home painter in my own studio.
Having a community of artisans and craftspeople to relate with is key to making beautiful art. Knowing other creators will see your art at it's completion always encourages me to be just a bit more careful and really make sure I'm spending the extra time to make the final product look polished.
Back to the subject of tattooing, it has been more exciting than ever crafting and designing pieces for people again, and my first dozen tattoos since returning came with so much love and shared laughter with the clients. It's a process I had dearly missed and my heart fills with joy at the thought that people are allowing me to put my art on their bodies, then leave at the end of the day with a fun memory and a beautiful piece they'll happily enjoy for the rest of their life.

Painting is meditative, relaxing, without time-constraint (compared to tattooing on a living body who wants a tattoo hopefully finished that day), and encourages exploration with visuals, depth, color and more.
It's playful, unrestrictive and forgiving... unlike tattooing.
It's always a joy to paint anything and it's been fun making that my sole focus these last couple of years.
However, creating a tattoo feels like a gift.
It's a gift and a service you give to each client.
It should be done without ego and requires a humble and loving heart.
Perhaps I needed a break to be able to move forward, and then re-open the door of tattoo artistry with fresh eyes.
I just wanted to write this entry to be able to look back on it someday and remember the peace and happiness I've been feeling this season and at this point in my life returning to tattooing. I have full sleeves and backpieces booked with new and old clients beginning in a few short weeks, and I can't wait to get back to making these large pieces of art with my clients again. I'm eager to meet more people, hear their stories, and give them the greatest gift I can: the artwork and creativity I constantly think about and have developed since childhood.
My new mission in life is simply to create as much beautiful art for as many people as I can-to the best of my abilities-until the day I die.
I've completed thousands of tattoos and probably close to one thousand paintings, and I hope to double that number if not quadruple it if I can.
I would be very lucky indeed.
Thank you for reading this and have a great day! May your day be filled with peace and beauty.